Friday, February 15, 2013

Letter to a Friend

It's been a while since my last foray into the blogosphere. Anyone who knows me knows I am never at a loss for words. However, although I always have something to say, I have found that having something interesting, compelling or meaningful to say is an entirely different story.

As many of my family of faith know, I have set forth on a journey toward serving my Heavenly Father and making a difference in the world around me. I have made available to my church family a brochure that describes "My Journey" and will be glad to provide it to anyone who requests. The primary reason for this brochure is to provide the church family God has called me to serve with an understanding of where I am leading and to hold me accountable.

Below is a thank you letter I wrote to a brother in Christ. When 2013 began, I asked him for reading recommendations. The first book he recommended has significantly impacted my thought process and has confirmed what my heart was saying although my weak and often frivolous mind was unable to fully comprehend. Because of God's "Amazing Grace" I understand more clearly why I am where I am today.

I want to write you a note to say thank you! Asking you for recommendations for reading material, one of your recommendations has provided an answer to one of my deepest questions.

After leaving the ministry in 1996 least in my own mind...I embarked on a wilderness journey.  Never losing my faith or my desire to serve and make a difference, I continued to teach whenever possible and committed myself to working with youth, primarily because of my two sons who were entering their high school years.

Throughout my sandy walk in the desert of my self-imposed wilderness, I continued with my personal mission statement to "make a difference", although this difference was from my own understanding, attempts and desires. I did not lean upon the Spirit for any "other world" influence and guidance.

A few years back I heard the voice and movement of the Holy Spirit, perhaps, for the first time in my life. As my home church was shaken to her very core, divisiveness and discouragement became the common experience within our family of faith, I felt called for the first time in over a decade. I stood immediately and since that day our gracious and unquestionably humorous God has lead me to the place I am today.

A year ago I began entering into the promise land, leaving the desert behind. I began ministering full time and have been experiencing the graciousness of God on a daily basis. To this day, one year later, I wake up praising God and pinching myself to see if this is really a fabulous dream. Since this new beginning I have been searching my heart, asking God, why now? Why here? Why me? The book you recommended by Philip Yancey, "What's So Amazing about Grace" has provided me with many of the questions I have been asking.

From reading this book, I am now more aware of the direction my service to the Kingdom needs to take.  I have been moving in that direction over the past year, but I really did not have the words to adequately describe this new journey. I now see that my ministry must leadership in extending grace to a world that has no clue what grace is all about...not that I claim to have a good handle on it, but I certainly understand at this point that my thought process needs to be undergirded with a growing understanding and clarity of "What is so amazing about grace."

I have never been a man that desired to be led by God.  I was perfectly content with being a goof throughout my entire life (as you may well remember sharing classrooms with me). I now am a man with a mission, and by the grace of God, for however long God affords me the privilege to serve Him, I will work with passion and intensity to live, teach and preach within the light of God's amazing grace.

Brother, thank you for your excellent recommendation.